There She Goes: Liverpool, A City on Its Own: The Long Decade 1979-1993

Simon Hughes


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Liverpool was once one of the greatest cities in the British empire but it no longer feels like it is in England, if it ever did. It had retreated as a significant port after the Second World War and by 1979, it was already on the brink. What it needed was support but instead, a Conservative Party with aggressive new ideas allowed it to slide. Thirty years after the Toxteth Riots, classified government papers revealed that the prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, was urged to abandon the city and embark on a programme of 'managed decline'. Why did Liverpool’s fortunes change so dramatically? Why did it fight back when other cities did not? This is the untold story of what it was like for Liverpool’s people and how the period defines who they are.

About the Author

Simon Hughes is a journalist and award-winning author. He covers Merseyside football for the Athletic. His other books include Men in White Suits, Ring of Fire, On the Brink and Allez Allez Allez.

Publication Date Sep 2020
Height 210.0mm
Width 148.0mm
Author Simon Hughes
Format Paperback
ISBN-13 9781916278448
Pages 232

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